\ IT Information

Using Multi-Factor Authentication

This process details what to expect once your have been onboarded to MFA.

As a security feature, Microsoft's smart security will detect when you move from location to location based on the IP address you have and prompt you to re-authenticate using the discussed method shown. The below shown method describes accessing Webmail however you may be prompted for the below while using Microsoft Teams, SharePoint and in the future any cloud platform like The Hive or Carista

When logging into Webmail in Office 365 (https://outlook.office.com) you may see one of the following 2 messages.

Method 1:

  1. Once you have entered you password, you will see the following message: Approve
  2. On your mobile device, an alert prompt will appear, enter the number shown in the above image on your device, then click Yes Are you trying to sign in?
  3. Once you have done the above, you will be presented with the shown image, click Yes, highlighted below. IT recommend that you do not tick 'Don't Show this again' as this will keep you signed in and present a security risk to your data and also any TRFS data you access. Stay signed in?

Method 2:

  1. Once you have entered you password, you will see the following message: Enter code
  2. Open the Microsoft Authenticator Application on your phone and copy the selected code, which refreshes every 30s, into the box shown above and click verify: One time password code
  3. Once you have done the above, you will be presented with the shown image, click Yes, highlighted below. IT recommend that you do not tick 'Don't Show this again' as this will keep you signed in and present a security risk to your data and also any TRFS data you access. Stay signed in?

Once you click no, you will then proceed into your mailbox or application you are attempting to access.

If any amendments are required to this document, please contact ICT Manager

V3.0 - 05/12/2024